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The world is going composable. Find out why.

Modern digital experiences depend on modern technology.
Composable is the answer.
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Legacy tech stacks are holding
enterprises back

Lack of agility in market

Inability to reach new markets

Poor return on investment


A composable digital experience
stack is the answer

Launch experiences faster

Reach more customers globally

Realize greater value

The shift is on to composable

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Application leaders cannot meet market needs or business objectives with monolithic digital experience platforms and must update tech stacks, decompose monoliths and deliver task-oriented capabilities. To future-proof the stack, a composable DXP must be used to deliver composable user experiences.*

*Adopt a Composable DXP Strategy to Future-Proof Your Tech Stack, Refreshed 29 June 2022: Irina Guseva, Yefim Natis, Mike Lowndes, Gene Phifer, John Field.

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Composable DXP,
a new way forward

A composable DXP describes when a DXP is assembled from a series of best-of-breed solutions.

These solutions work together via APIs to deliver content and digital experiences to customers in a more agile and flexible way than a single, integrated and monolithic platform.

It brings more of a microservices approach to the DXP space.

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What is a headless CMS?

A headless content management system (CMS) is a back end-only web CMS that acts primarily as a content repository. A headless CMS makes content accessible via an API for display on any device, without a built-in front end or presentation layer


What is a DXP?

A digital experience platform (DXP) is an integrated set of core technologies that support the composition, management, delivery and optimization of contextualized digital experiences

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Why composable architecture is the future of digital experiences

Apr 29, 2021

What is a Composable DXP

Find out how to offer your customers the ultimate personalized omnichannel content experience by implementing a composable DXP.

Jan 05, 2023

Composable vs. monolithic: Which is right for you?

Businesses are trying to create better customer experiences, so composable digital experience platforms (DXPs) are becoming more popular. But what are they? How do they compare to monolithic platforms?


Forrester: Understanding the architecture of your DXP

Read the report to better understand who should be the architect of your Digital Experience Platform (DXP), and how to best achieve the results you need.

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We transformed our 100-year-old business in just 22 weeks.
You can, too.

Bob Howland, CEO

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Where are you on your composable journey?

What is a composable architecture?

What is composable architecture and why should you care? Find out in this guide.

Why go composable?

Don’t be held back by your tech stack. Get the flexibility you need to create the digital experiences you want, in more places, with greater ease

Composable vs. monolithic

We accelerate co-innovation for IT and business teams alike by making MACH easy for enterprises with our

Top 4 benefits of composable?

Our content experience platform lets you take chargeof your omnichannel engagement with lightning speed and endless flexibility.

How to Choose an Enterprise CMS That’s Right for Your Business

A guide to why an enterprise CMS is key, factors to consider when shopping for one, how to implement the platform of your choice, and more for

Feb 10, 2023

6 steps to go composable

In this guide, you’ll learn how to create and implement a composable DXP that is tailored to your specific needs and can be easily updated as your business evolves.

Nov 10, 2022

How to switch from a monolithic to a composable architecture in 7 steps

Learn how to switch from a monolithic CMS to a composable content management platform in this step-by-step guide.


Create a composable commerce solution

In this white paper, we’ll discuss why building or buying may not be a smart business decision, best practices for implementing a composable solution, and offer tips to help get you on the path to creating a composable commerce solution that’s right for your business.

June 25, 2021

Podcast: Architecting MACH-Based Personalization (Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native & Headless)

In this podcast, Contentstack founder and CTO Nishant Patel talks to Uniform co-founder Lars Petersen about how even the largest organizations can adopt a modern approach

Feb 09, 2023

A marketer's guide to composable analytics

Learn the differences between traditional and composable analytics and how composable analytics can benefit your marketing and IT teams in this guide.

Let’s Go Composable today

Experience what Contentstack can do for your business

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